I don’t know if you remember the card that I made a long time ago for my friend’s daughter. I called them yesterday and they told me that they never got it. I am very upset about this. Her daughter thought that I forgot about her. But it is not true… I wanted to make another one, but I don’t have the same paper. And it would be another one, not the same. I don’t know what’s happened; usually I don’t have any problems like thi
My other news is that next week I am going to Omsk, Russia (West Siberia). I am a little bit nervous about this trip. Don’t like Chicago O’Hare Airport too much. Very long flight – 3 changes of airplanes. One day travel. I was never as nervous about my flight, as I am this year. I am traveling with my son. He is very good at those long travel trips. Hope the airplane won’t crash and I will come back with new stories and new ideas and cards. We are leaving on the 22nd of July and coming back on August 13th.
Please, wish me good luck and cross your fingers for me!
I will miss my husband, my cat, our house, and miss all of you!!!
For today’s cards I decided to show you several that I made long time ago using templates Fold-It Swirls and Fold-Back Swirls from HOTP company. They are so easy and fun to make.
For the card with a cute bear face I used an idea from Craft Genie. I didn’t have any punches and that time and any templates, I used whatever I had on hand as a template and hand cut all the circles.
The blue card with pink flowers is my favorite for some reason.
Thank you for stopping by,
Sorry about your friends daughter not receiving the card 🙁
You will be fine once on your way to Omsk…..hope you are going to take lots of pics!
I love the cards, especially the teddy one!
Happy crafting
Sue x
Thank you Sue!
I will try to take as many pictures as I can.