Wake Up in the Morning…

 Cat Slide

Meow, meow, meow. Guess who woke me up this morning? This cutie named Ginger. He was so excited about the snow we had on Friday and couldn’t wait till I go to the basement to get a box of Christmas decorations. Why would he need it? Well, last evening I told Ginger how fun it is to play in the snow – building snow castles, making snow balls, racing (or riding) on the sleigh. It happened to be that I had a wooden sleigh in our Christmas decorations box.

So this morning he rushed me to the basement where I found for him this wooden sleigh. Ginger was so happy!!! He hurried to the porch door and was almost out.

“Wait a minute, – I told him. “I think you forgot something”.

“No, no… I don’t know what are you talking about?” – said Ginger.

“You forgot to put a scarf on, it is not summer anymore. Make sure you have warm clothes before you go out to play in the snow”.

“Okay, okay, and mittens and warm boots”- Ginger smiled at me and rushed to the porch door.

He is still playing outside in the snow and I decided to take some pictures of him.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!

Enjoy your winter days and stay warm,


P.S. I am trying to get into my story telling mood as I used to… Not very happy with my English though… so poor. I really struggle to put words in right order in the sentence, so people can understand it. My problem is that when I am writing I say words on Russian in my head and then I translate them. Sorry if this story is not written well, but I hope it is understandable.

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Мяу, мяу, мяу… Догадываетесь кто разбудил меня этим утром? Да, наш котик-лапочка по имени Рыжик. Он так обрадовался выпавшему снегу и не смог больше ждать когда же я наконец достану коробку с новогодними игрушками. Почему вы спросите? В этой коробке есть саночки, о которых я упомянула в одном из наших разговоров о том, как здорово играть во дворе со снегом. Тут тебе и снежки, и снежная крепость и гонки на санках, и снежные ангелы…

В общем заторопил меня Рыжик и достала я долгожданную коробку, а в ней деревянные санки. Рыжик побежал к двери на веранду… но тут я его остановила.

“Подожди-ка минутку,- сказала я. “А тебе не кажется, что ты что-то забыл?”

“Ну, что? Я не знаю о чем ты говоришь?” – ответил Рыжик.

“А кто забыл повязать шарфик? На улице уже давно не лето. Нужно одеться потеплее, если ты хочешь играть в снегу.”

“Хорошо, хорошо. И рукавички, и ботиночки! Готово! Я побежал!” – крикнул мне Рыжик и понесся довольный на нашу веранду.

Пока ребятенок-котенок играет, я решила его сфотографировать. Так сказать запечатлеть на память. 😉

Спасибо всем, кто заглянул ко мне сегодня.

Наслаждайтсь зимними деньками и одевайтесь потеплее,


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Category: Crochet
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8 Responses
  1. Connie Price says:

    This is so cute!! You are doing very well with your story telling and English!! Maybe sometime we could meet for a cup of coffee-after the first of the year. I know things are very busy right now with Christmas and all. You are very talented!! Have a great day!! Connie

  2. Chrissy L says:

    Absolutely the cutest thing ever!!! I think your writing is wonderful and better than many English speaking individuals. I loved Ginger’s little story!

  3. admin says:

    Thank you, Connie! I would like to meet you too! How about tea at my house? I will send you a message. 🙂

  4. Jen says:

    I liked your story! I think the English sounded fine! And your little kitty is very adorable- made me smile!

  5. Леночка, котик просто очаровашка! Ты наверное должна попробовать писать сказки, у тебя в тексте лёгкий слог и детская радость , замечательно!

  6. Anna says:

    Ginger? That would be #2, of course 🙂

  7. Tena says:

    I think all of your work if fabulous and would have loved to buy one of everything today at wild goose. I will be back……thank you for sharing your talents.

  8. mel mccarthy says:

    So much to catch up on, here. You are just too talented! That little sleigh in the snow, beyond adorable. And I love your ability to weave such an amazing narrative. Reading your posts feels like being a kid again. Wonderful! 🙂

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