Pre-historic Christmas


Have you ever thought about Christmas during Dinosaur time, a pre-historic type of Christmas? I asked myself this question and after I looked at Prehistoric Pals stamp set from Newton’s Nook Designs an answer jumped into my head right away.

Here is the picture how it could look back than. A dinosaur of course had a Santa hat. Instead of Christmas tree they used Palm tree which was decorated with the bow. Of course I don’t think they had Christmas lights in pre-historic time, but I gave it to this Dinosaur anyway. What a tree without lights?

This card was made following Newton’s Nook Designs Challenge sketch. Did you know that Jen (the owner of the company) has some freebies on her site. So, even if you don’t have stamps yet from this company you can still play, you still have time. There will be a prize also to the lucky participant. 🙂 I thought why not to try? Why don’t you try too?

Thank you so much for stopping by today!

Wishing all amazing day,


Pre-Historic Cristmas


Задала себе вопрос на днях – интересно, а как отмечали Рождество во времена динозавров? Ответ возник сразу, когда на глаза попался штамп от компании Newton’s Nook Designs.

В общем в те времена все возможно выглядело именно так, как на моей открытке. У динозавра, конечно же, была шапочка Санты. Елочку заменяла пальма, которую украшали бантиком. Лампочек на пальме я думаю в то время не было, но этому динозавру, я все-таки вручила маленькую лампочку в руки. Ну какая елка-пальма без огоньков.

А если говорить серьезно, то отркытка придумалась по скетчу от блога Newton’s Nook Designs.

Спасибо, дорогие мои, что заглянули ко мне.

Удачи всем и всего только самого наилучшего,



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7 Responses
  1. Jennifer says:

    This is very very fun and cute! I love how you made a prehistoric Christmas scene with the Dinosaur and the palm tree! Thanks so much for playing along with our inky paws challenge at Newton’s Nook Designs this month!

  2. Eva says:

    Ух,ты и динозавры пальму в ёлочку превращают.Как красиво подобраны цвета

  3. Helena says:

    Супер открытка! оказывается, у динозавров тоже новый год был! ))
    Красивая, очень милая и забавная открытка. молодец!

  4. Trisha says:

    Such a gorgeous card!! I just love everything about it. The colors and paper you used look wonderful together and I love that that they dinosaur is carrying a present. What a cute idea 🙂

  5. Very cute card and a great sketch. I need to check out the freebies.

  6. This is really cute. Great sketch. I will check out the freebies.

  7. mel mccarthy says:

    Heehee Christmas in the Cretaceous period. What a fabulous idea. Love how he’s decorating. This is the perfect Christmas card for kids. It’s got an entire world & story to it. Genius!

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